Thus endeth the prologue of this book named. Cordʻyal. Whiche treteth of the four last and final thinges that ben to come ...
Denis, the Carthusian, 1402-1471, attributed name., Gerardus, de Vliederhoven, 14th cent, attributed name., Rivers, Anthony Woodville, Earl, 1442?-1483., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. ed.

Here beginneth the prologue of the thirde parte of the four last thingis to come

Page  [unnumbered]THe thirde of ye iiij last thingis wherof the remem¦braūce p̄serueth from sinne is hell or thinfernale gehenne. And therfor saith Anastasie of seint anthonie ye heremite / when̄ the deuell tempted him to ony sinne / he remembred the paines of hell due vnto synners which̄ thought was so enprinted in his herte that finally he therby venquisshed the deuill & was delyuered from his temp¦tacions & rested free from al̄ sinne. It is to be noted how touching this matier p̄sent iij thingis ar principally to be considered. First the diuerse nominacion of ye peinful̄ pla¦ces of hell. Secundly the manifolde afflictions of thinfer¦nal̄ minestres. Thridly the strange & diuerse maners of the tormētes of hell of the which̄ iij thingis ye remembraūce {pro}fiteth greetly & withdraweth a man from falling to sinne

¶How hell is named by holy scripture in diuerse wise ¶The first chapitre of the thirde part principal

IT is now first to be declared prīcipally the nomi¦nacion of the peinful̄ places of hell. Wherfor it is to be knowen that helle is a place ful̄ of fire & is so called de infero infers / That is to saye to bere in / for the sowles of sinners be born̄ into it for to suffre peine ther eternally. And therfor saith Iob in his vij chapitre. He that shal descende into hell shal not come ageyn ne euer retorne vnto his house. And also hell is oftentymes called gehenne of fire. The forsaid Seint Gregory in his fourth boke of his dyal̄ogis saide. Certeinely it must be beleud yt there is oonly but oon fire in the gehen̄e of hell but it tormenteth not all sinners after oon maner / for Page  [unnumbered] euery man shal haue payne after the quantite of his gilte and trespace. Isidorus in the book of souerayn goodnesse seith that the fire of ye gehenne of helle shal shyne & leight to the dampned folkes in encrecyng of their paynes to then¦tent that they may see their owne sorowes / it shal neither light nor shyne to their consolacion nor geue them cause of ony reioysing. The payn̄ of thoes yt be dampned is doubled by sorowe & paynes that tourmentith the sowle and fire that brenneth ye body. Of this fire of hell speketh the saw••r saiyng. The coles shal fal vppon synners whiche shal be cast into ye fire hauyng no conforte in their miseries / our lorde shal tourmente them with his Ire & the fire shal de∣uour them. Wherfore it is writen in Isaye in the ix cha¦pitre. The peple shal be as meete vnto ye fire / it is also seid to euery synner in Ezechil in the xxj chapitre. Thou shalt be fire meete. In Iheremy the xv chapitre saith our lord to the dampned folkes. then brasyng fire inferrour shall broil & brenne vppon you all▪ this fire is of ye nature that petually it sal bren̄ & shal neuer haue nede to be renued It is writen in Iob the xx chapitre. The fire whiche can 〈…〉 be quenched shal vtterly deuour them. O how sore shal our lorde venge hym then̄ vppon the dampned synners As it is saide in Eclesiastico in the vij chapitre. The flesshe of synners shal haue vengeance by fire. This fire of the gehenne of helle is different from the materiall fire principally in 〈◊〉 thinges. First in fyersnesse & egernesse fo ye power of it in brenning is infenite. wherfor seith seint Sebastian̄. When̄ the angel of heuen rowned hym in the ere. he seyde that our sensible fire is no more like the fire Page  [unnumbered] of hell then the fire peynted vpon a wall is like our materi¦ale fire. Secundly in enduring. For our materiale fir may be quenched / and so may not that. It is writen in Isay in the last chapitre. that the fire for sīners shal no be quenched. Thridly in wasting. for our sensible materi¦ale fire may consume & wast al thingis as ye philophre seith but the fire infernal may not wast nor consume neither the body nor the sowles of sinners by brennyng. Iob sayth in his xx chapitre of the synners beyng in helle. He shal bye full dere now that he hath doon & yet he shal not be was¦ted. Ioh̄n Crisostom saith also that our materiale fire consumeth al thing that is leyd in hit / but the fire of hell tourmenteth continuelly thoes that be therin / & yet it preser¦ueth them alway in lengthyng their peines. Therfor it is said yt it is not to be quenched not oonly because it can not be put out but that it shal not sease to distroy them yt shal come therin. For that cause saith the holy scripture that ye sīner shal be clothed with corrupcion not oonly of their lif but in languisshing & tormemendes alway com̄yng. Cer∣teinly no voyce coude expowne nor no word coude expresse the greetnes of ye peine / nor the feruentnes of that fire. Alas what shal we do therfor there / & what shal we answere for in hell shal be but grinding of tethe / yowling / criyng / & we∣ping in payne / but then̄e penaunce is to late / and from all partes shall comforte and helpe be put away. there shal be no thyng but augmentacions of peynes. as that fire of helle is not of nature to deuour. no more is it to geue no comfortable lyght / It is an obscure fire / and the flam̄ therof tenebrous. Secundly hell is called locus inquietus Page  [unnumbered] that is to sey / a restles place euer enduring & shal neuer haue ende. wherfor it is seide in this lif yt ther is one place which is alwey stil. that is to wite the centre of the skye Other be somtyme troubled as mene partis of ye ayer / sem¦blably it may be proued yt the lowest parte is alweyes in trouble without rest. And therfore it is called tartarus For after papy tartarus is as mycle to say as troubled & obscure. Certeinly ye vnrest & tribulacion comyth there spe¦cially of iij thingis. First ye variance of paynes as one seith ye weder is troubled / when̄ it is now medled with reyn̄ now with haill / now with snowe / or such stormes which as it is sayd / be of al thoes maners in hell as witnessen̄ pro¦phetes sayng. It shal rayn̄ vppon synners bothe fire & brim¦••on / & the spiretes of tempest shal geue them parte of their ••urmentes. Secūdly of ye ministres infernal. As it is writen in Iheremy ye xvj chapitre. Thoes deueles that ye haue serued. nether nyght nor daye shal suffre you in rest Thirdely of thentercheaūged cry. as it is writen in Isay in ye lxv chapitre. ye shal wepe for sorow & by contricion of sowle howle. In trouth our lord shal answere to al thoes yt so shal howle & cry. as it is seid in Iheremy ye xxx chapitre Wherfore criest y and howlist thou now by contricion sithe thy sorowe is not to be heled I haue punisshed the thus for thy wikked felonous synnes. Thridly hell is called a place right distempred. as Auernus / that is as mykel to saye as a thing without a tem{per}ance of delite for ye pay∣nes be no thing moderated there / but continue in grete exces¦se / of trouth there is therin without mensure excessesiue te¦nebres. whiche be called exteriores. as seint Mathewe Page  [unnumbered] saith in his xxij chapitre. We haue example of this in Exode in the x chapitre by the maniable tenebres that were somtime in Egipte. O how mykel shal the tenebres of helle be more greuous than thoes. It is writen in Iob in the xx chapitre. Alle horrible tenebres shal com̄e on him Ageyn thenne shal the synners saye / as it is saide in the Psalter. They haue cast me into the lowest lake and in the tenebrous place and in the shadowe of dethe. they haue logged me in the obscure place as dede fro this world / wherfore my sowle is angry with me. Semblably it is writen in the Lamentacions of Iheremy. They haue logged me with thoes that be sempiternally dede / there is therin an excessife hete. As Iob saith in his xiiij chapitre The hete is greet therin. & the cause is that it breketh not out but is closed in / as the hete in an ouen. The Psalter saith. When̄e thou art an angred thou shalt put the syn¦ners in an ouen full of fire. Also our lord shal tormente them with his wrath. & fire shal deuour them. there is ther also a right sharpe coolde / as is writen in Iob in the said chapitre. It is said the water of snowe is colder then al o¦ther waters / yet ye waters of helle may not be compared with of chilling nor coolde. And therfor seith Fulgencius in his pistles. Ther is in hell ij principale maner of tormentes that is to wite by intollerable coolde & by inquencheable hete It is writen in ye xxiiij chapitre of seint mathew. There shal be in hell bothe weping & coolde. certeinly the effluccion of teeris by weping com̄ith of hete / but the inward sorowes is caused by coolde. To this purpose witnesseth Iob in the said xxiiij chapitre. the sinner oupassed with the coold water Page  [unnumbered] of snowe / goeth after into the greet firy heates. It is founde also in a litle book of the dedis of Alexandre the kyng of Macedon̄. That when̄ he was for clomme with the Isse & with the colde of ye snowe he wolde goo to ye fire of colis. O how myserable & paynfull shal this trouble be to thoes that shal not dye nor haue lightnyng in ye prison of helle. but be tourmented there infenitely. Fourthly hell is called a noyfull wayling place / and therfore af¦ter Papie it is named Acheron / that is as mycle to seye as a place without Ioye lackyng all goodnesse. For this cause saith ye Comentator Aueroys in the iiij chapitre of poetrie. That hell hath a continuell sorowe & wepyng with out consolacion. In trouth the dampned folkes ther bene∣the haue no counfort in the worlde for ye orisons & prayers that been saide in the chirche mylitant may profeite them no thing / and from aboue comyth there no helpe to them / ther falleth on them no misericorde. wherfore they be in dispaire of ony grace in tyme comyng and knowe certeynly yt they without Remedy and not to be quiee out of the prison / & so they rest sempiternally in waylyng in sorowe and in de¦solacion. It is writen in the boook of Sapiens in the iiii chapitre. That the dampned sowles shal be vtterly in desolacion. Also the dampned sowle seith in the first chapi¦tre of the Trenys of Iheremye. I am cast in desola¦cion & am conuicte into wepyng. It is writen in Isaye in the xxxiiij chapitre. That the wretched synner shal be in desolacion during ye worlde of worldes. Alas alas what payne is yt to be endured. O moost cruell payne. O desola¦cion ful of al turmentes. & therfor o thou man remembre Page  [unnumbered] the and printe often in thy herte and mynde thies thinges abouesaid to thentent / thow may eschewe and withdrawe the from synne. and ther by haue the moost precious glo¦rye and felicite perdurable.

¶How thoes that descende into helle be cruelly punysshed ¶The secunde chapitre of the thirde parte principal

NOwe to procede folowyngly by ordre it resteth to be expouned how there be many and diuerse afflic¦tions geuen by the soldeours of helle. Thoes soldeours been to vndrestonde the deueles / whiche been tour¦mentours and hangemen full abhominable to beholde and cruell in their dedis / neuer wery to tourmente nor to geue paynes. I say first that thoes deueles be horrible to be holde And therfore they be so paynted in the chirche with hideous and orrible figures. To this purpose it is redde that where som̄ tyme / a religio{us} man was lying in his dortor among his brethren / It happened in a nyght that he cryed orribly where thorow all the brethren of his couent resorted vnto hym / and they founde hym staring & his eyen fixid vppon a wall firmely without moeuyng / and wolde answere to no question̄ that they demaunded hym. he was so meued with a meruelous fere. and in the morowe his prior came vnto hym and asked what hym ayled that nyght. and he answered / He hadde sen the deuell. And then̄e it was questioned hym / what shappe he was of. And he answe¦red that his shappe ne mought lightly be descriued. and Page  [unnumbered] saide. If ther were here an ouon ful of fire and yondre the figure of the deuill / I hadde as leef entre into ye ouon / as long to beholde on his moost horrible figure. And as seint Bernard saith in the Psalme of Qui habitat in ad∣iutorio. O my right dere brethren what thinke ye / if it were a thing sittyng / that oon of thies princes of tene∣bres / that be of so many hydeous and meruelous shappes shulde come and appere emongis you with his greet cru∣elte and vnformed tenebrous body / what temporale or spirituale witte mought susteyne to beholde hym. It is redde in the book de Uitis patrum. How ther was somty¦me an auncient man that said. I trowe ther is no ly∣uyng Creature / but and he sawe the deuyll in the same fourme that the dampned Sowles see hym / he sholde no more lyue after / but shortly shulde dye. Also Seint Gregory saith of oon callid Crissoius / whiche beyng full seke sawe beside hym a greet multitude of Deueles wherfore he cryed full hydeously after helpe / he turned hym this waye and that waye / to thentent he shulde not see them / but he was so feruently troubled with them in fere / that right sone he dyed. Certeynely all thoes that see the deueles be in suche greet trouble that all men drede the fight of them. and not without Reason / for there horrible figure tourmenteth thoes to deth that beholdeth them. It is writen in Iob the xx chapitre. Horrible thingis shal̄ goo and come vpon them. And that Seint Bernard sheweth whenne he saide. O my sowle what fere shall thou haue / whenne thou shalt leue the presens of alle thingis wherin thou hast Ioye / the syght of that Page  [unnumbered] that is agreable vnto the and all thy familiarite / and shalt entre allone ferfully into the regyon / whiche is to the vnknowen / when̄e the right terrible and orrible monstres shal come in greet companies ayenst the. O how grete a de¦formite shal be in thoes orrible deueles that shal appere in figures of right cruell bestis. And as it is wreten in the xj chapitre of Sapiens. Because they permitted errours as doon serpentes and other superflue beestis thou hast sent them a multitude of doum bestes in vengeaunce to thentent that they may knowe wherin they haue synned / they to be tourmented by the same. Certeyn̄ it is not impossible that the moost myghty hande that hath create & made all the vni¦uersall worlde of thyng vnsene / shulde sende a multitude of¦fers beres of hardy lyons and other many furious beestis of diuerse shappes casting vpures of fire geuyng styn∣kyng smokes puttyng out of their eyen sparkis brennyng of fire / but al thise thinges shulde be to ye hurte of sinners and also the beholdyng myght slee them / as it is writen in the chapitre aforsaid. Iob sayde in his xvj chapitre Myn̄ ennemy hath beholde me with terrible eyen. He also saith in his xlj chapitre. His loke & beholding is like a glistring of fire out of his mouth stremyng as it were brennyng lampes / and popillih as water boiling out of a potte. Therfore seith a poete that there be therin serpen∣tes vomyshyng out of their mouthes bren̄yng flames with the which̄ blastis ye sowles of the miserable sinners ben̄ al perisshed. Secundly the fendes be cruell by effecte / where as it is writen in Iob ye xvj chapitre. They ar assembled ayenst me / they haue opened their mouthes vppon me Page  [unnumbered] as a rauissyng lyon / they haue tempted me / they haue mok¦ked me and grennyngly & felonesly shewed me there teeth Also in Ecclesiastico in the xxj chapitre is said. Theeir tethe be like the tethe of lyons / whiche deuour the sowles To this purpose is writen in the first epistle of seint Pe∣tre the v chapitre. That how the deuill is like a brayng lyon / whiche gothe sekyng to deuour som̄ sowle. Certein̄ the deuill shal be appoynted at the last daye for to deuour synners. It is writen in Isaye in the lvj chapitre. O ye alle beestes of the feldes and wyldrenesse come ye for to deuour. Iheremy in his xij chapitre saith. Come ye all beestis and assemble and make you redy for to de∣uoure. Seint Gregory in his Dyalogis talketh ther∣of and saith. That ther was somtyme a monk not yet verily monke in dede but so named / whiche was called Theodorus. It was right displeasant vnto hym / when̄e oon spake to hym for his saluacion / he wolde not oonly leue to do good / but it lothed hym to here speke therof. and as Theodorus was at the article of deth alle his brethren of his couent assembled about him in prayers & deuoute ori¦sons that they myght helpe & defende his sowle atte departur from his body. then̄ he began sodenly to crye & with a greet voyce hade them breke of & leue their orisons and prayers & departe / for he was gyuen vnto an orrible dragon for to be de¦uoured / whiche he saide for their prayers myght not deuour hym / & yet he hadde swalowed his hede / & prayed them therfor go thens & pray no more / but lette hym do that / that he pur¦posd to do / sens he was geuen vnto him / and the forsaid Theodorus seid / why suffre ye me so long to be in this case Page  [unnumbered] Thenne sayde his brethren vnto hym. What is it that thou seyst / make the figure of the crosse vppon the. To whom̄ the sayde Theodorus answered with a lamenta∣ble crye. I wolde feyn blesse me / but I can not / for I am to hardly prikked and oppressed with the vyolence of this dragon. And whenne his brethren herde hym seye so they fyll flatte to the erthe with wepyng teeres / and began ageyn their prayers and orisons deuoutly for the helpe and Redempcion of this Theodorus / whiche sone after sodenly began to crye with a lowde voyce saiyng. I yelde louyng thankis and grace to god my creatour / for nowe that dragon / whiche shulde haue deuoured me is driuen and chased away fro me by your good and deuoute prayers and orisons. Also Seint Gregorie telleth an example in the fourthe boook of his Dyalogis that how in the partes of Anchone in a monastery called Congo¦lathon be fell somtime that there was therin a monk which was taken for a very holy man meruelously wele disposed towarde god / But when̄e his brethren went that he hadde fasted he was accustumed secretely to ete. And when̄e he was atte the batayl of deth / he called generally for alle his brethren / saiyng vnto them. I am deliuered nowe vnto a dragon to be deuoureed / whiche with his taill hath knytte to gydre my fete & also my kneys & putteth his hede into my mouth / & draweth my sowle out of my body. and after he hadde saide thoes wordes he dyed forth withall. It may seme thies wordes be for ye condempned sinners which ben writen in Iheremy in the lj chapitre. He hath eten me like a dragon. This dragon is hideous and greet and Page  [unnumbered] hath vij hedes & x hornes in the same as it is writen in the Apocalips in ye xij chapitre. Ther hath been a greet bataile in the skye so that seint Michiel & his angell hath fought with ye dragon & his angell which̄ might not resist / & sith their rowmes in heuen coude not be foūde but were cast down̄ and so ye dragon auncient serpent / which̄ is called the deuil̄ sathan enforceth him self to make warre vpon the uniuersal̄ world here. And for that cause is it red in ye same chapitre That harme come to the erthe and to the see / for the de¦uill is descended emong you with al̄ his greet furious an¦ger / This deuil hath a meruelous greet hate vnto al̄ good peple / which disposeth them to take possession in the rowme of heuen / from whens he was put out & chased into theter∣nal paines. and the more yt the day of ome approcheth the more tempteth he more cursedly & more forseth him self to do euil in distroyng of sowles. O how greet is the wikkid∣nesse and the malice of this deuil̄ of hell. Wherof Seint Bernard talketh in a prose saiyng. O how felonows shal then̄ this tormētours be / which shal paine & tourmente syn¦ners / how terrible shal their vengeance be in vengyng vices wretchednes & sinnes. Certeinly their cruel malice is yet augmented in diuerse maners. First because they be so in∣numerable and of so diuerse soortes. The Psalter saith Why be thoes so multiplied that tourmenteth me / and ther be many that dresse them ayenst me. And as it is writen in Iob in the xix Chapitre. They haue asseged my Tabernacle about me. It is writen in Uitis pa∣trum. That ther was a good Auncient Man that sawe the deuill enuyronyng the Peple and were as Page  [unnumbered] thik as beis yt make hony. Wherfore it is saide also in the Psawter. They haue compassed me as beis be cause they be many & of grete myght / as Thappostle witnessith in his pistle ad the epheseos in ye vj chapitre. wher he calleth them princes & potestates & gouernours of ye world be cause they be subtil & myghty to noy sowles. The psalter seith. The strong haue sought my sowle. this strength is vndrestonde by the deueles. It is redde also of ye strength in Iob the xlj chapitre. There is no myght vppon ye erthe to be compa¦red with yt / that hath doon so that it dredeth no man sauf hym that seith all thing from aboue & is king ouer all the children of pride ye deueles shal ernstfully exorcise their might in pride to the pumisson of synners & them shal cruelly tourmente. It is writen in Ecclesiastico the xxxix chapi¦tre. Ther be spirites that be ordeyned to take vengeaunce & hath confermed the tormentes in their furour enduringly till the consummacion of the worlde. Iob seith in his xvj chapitre. He hath compassed me with his fperis & hath not spared me / but hath hurte my reynes / he hath cast my bowell to the erthe / and geuen me woundes vppon wounde & this come shuldering ayenst me like a gyand. Thirdely the malice and cruelte of the deuell is comforted & is more gre¦uous be cause they ar neuer wery of tormenting. As it is writen in the book of Daniel in the iij chapitre. The my¦nistres shal not seasse in sturryng the fires of the fourneis to the causing of paynes. Therfore said a wise man that there be tormentours / whiche be more to be lothed then serpentes / and they be blakke and defourmed and will not be beten downe. And they be neuer wery to do harme Page  [unnumbered] but newly encreasen their malice al way redy / and boyling desirously to put soules to payne. and incessantly they ex¦cersise their cruelte more and more. And it is saide to all sinners in Deutronomy in the xxviij chapitre. Thou shalt serue for thyn̄ enemy whenne our lord shal sende the naked vnto him in honger and thirste and in alle pouer¦te / And the••e shal thy sore woundes enereace perpetuelly O how greet shal the paynes be there to dampned folkes whiche shal last continuelly in anguish̄ and miserie with∣out intermission lacking peas or reste. It is red of the sinners in Ezechiel in the vij chapitre. That when̄e they shal fele thes anguisshi{us} paine / they shal desire and requi¦r to haue peas / but then̄e they gete non̄ / for they shal hue conturbacion and sorowe vpon sorowe. It is writen in Thapocalips the xiiij chapitre. That thoes that haue been bestly shal therfore haue no rest by daye nor nyght Then̄ mowe the sinners wele say / as it is writen in Isay in the xxxviij chapitre. I shal not see our lord god in the kuyng lond / nor I shal no more beholde ony man. that is inhabitour of rest. Semblable as it is writen in Ihe∣remye the xlv chapitre. Alas I am vnhappy / for oure lord hath addid in me sorowe to sorowe / for I can finde no reste. Sorowe shal be then̄e cast at his hede. and alle Iniquite shal descende vpon him. Now by thies thingis aboue said it manifestly appereth how suche as descendeth into hell be punisshed with many diuerse paynee. & therfor me thinkith dere brethren how it shold be often in your re¦mēbraūce to defende you from fallyng to sinne / whereby ye shulde lse the companye of the •••py and blisshed seinee Page  [unnumbered] and the celestiale glorie / whiche is perourable and shal dure world withouten ende

¶How there be many condicions of tormentes encreasyng the peynes of Helle ¶The thirde chapitre of the thirde part principal

NOw resteth to declare the thirde parte of this ma∣tier / whiche is in shewyng the condicion of thin∣fernale tourmentes / whiche be full diuerse. Cer∣teyne there be sondery condicions that specially encreace by occasions the peynes of helle. ¶The first is / bitternesse wepyng / grindyng of teeth / compleynyng / the perpe∣tuell dethe / peynfull languissing in despaire / and the wrath and blamyng of the creatour of all thingis with other many tourmentes and paynes innumerable to be re¦cited / whiche doubteles shal be wel felt and vndrestonde there by sinners / as it appereth in diuerse places of holy scripture. and as it is writen in Thapocalips in the xvj chapitre. They haue eten their tonges for greet sorowe and haue blasfemed the god of heuen for their anguisshys and their woundes Seint Gregory saith that he that is condempned to the tormentes findeth more paine there then can be supposed or thought. Seint Iherom̄ saith that the force of the sorowe in hell shal be so greet that it can not addresse his corage / but as the force of the said sorowe wil constrayne. Certeyn the sinner shal say then̄ as is writen in Iheremye in the viij chapitre. My woo encreaseth Page  [unnumbered] in sorowe vppon sorowe. The egrenesse of the paynes of hell shal be so greet that sinners shal hate and disprayse ••f which vniuersally is delited & with a bren̄yng desire wisshe to fynde deth / which ey man wolde flee. As it is writen in Thapocalips in the ix chapitre. A day shal come that men shal desire & wisshe for deth / and shal not haue it / they shal require deth & it shal flee away fro them. In trouthe our lorde winesseth y egrenes of the peynes of hell in Ihe¦remy in the ix chapitre / where he seith. I shal fede my peple with absinth / comūly named worm wode the whiche is a bitter herbe / & I shal geue them to drink galle. Wherby is signified the bitternes of the tormentes of hell. It is red yt this egrenes was wele considered by a yong man which was deliciously norisshed / Neuerthelesse he entred into then∣•• of prchers / and whee he hadde been in the saide ordre a while / there cam̄ a man from his kynsfolkes to amonissh hym to depare thens or he were professed / shewyng hym how deliciously he hadde ben brought vp. and therfore he myght not susteine the dures paynes & troubles perteinyng to the saide ordre. The yong man answered. I haue entred into this ordre knowyng wele that I was voluptuously norisshed and myght not wele suffre. But I remembre wele that ye troubles paynes of hell shal be importable. wherfore I hadde leuer susteyne the litle peyn̄ of this ordre / then the paynes which ar incomparable. For Iob seith in his vj chapitre The snowe shal fall vppon them y shal drede the litle myst This consideracion moued an heremite callid piers to en∣terprise a meruilous penaunce / which he accomplisshed. as seint gregory sheweth in the iiij book of his dyalogis this Page  [unnumbered] heremite dyed by a sekenesse / & yet after his deth his sowle was restored ageyn to his body. Also Seint Gregory saith. that ther was somtime a monk borne of Irelond called piers / this monk affermed how he had seen ye greuous tormētes of hell / the innumerable peinful places & flame of fire. & tolde how he had seyn there certeyn mighty men of this world honged vp in the saide flames. And he seide as he was brought for to be cast in: sodenly appered an angel clothed al in white / which saued hym and hade him go thens and attentifly to remembre how he shulde liue from thens forthward to kepe him out of the danger of the peines. After that he had herde that voice he reuiued and came to hym self litel and litel / and shewed vnto his bre¦thren ther all the thingis yt he had feled & seen. and from that day forthward he vsed & liued a blessid lif in fasting & doyng penaunce / so yt by his conusacion after it myght wel seme the paynes of hell ar to be dred. The secūd condicion encreasing the paynes of hell is ye multipliyng of the tour¦mentes there. In certeyn̄ they be innumiable. And as the psalter saith. The paines / whiche be without nombre haue enuiround & be clipped me. It is writen in deutronomy the xxxij chapitre. I shal assemble many diuerse paynes vpon them / & I shal accomplish or spend the schot of myn̄ arowes in them. and as it is writen in Isaye ye v chapitre His arowes be ful sharp & all his bowes ar bent. our lorde hath many arowes in his quiuer / which̄ he hath not yet shot forth / but after the Iugement he shal smyte all sinners with them. Thies arowes ar the diuerse paines of hell where as sinners shal be then̄ tormēted in many mans. the Page  [unnumbered] Psawter seith. The arowes of the myghty. That is to saye of our lorde be sharpe amonges the colis of desolacion Our lorde satth in Deutronomy ye xxij chapitre. I shal embrwe myn̄ arowes in their blode / my swerd shal deuour their flesh / they shal perish̄ by famyne / & the birdes shal strangle them with a full bitter morsel. I shal sende ayens them the teeth of wilde bestis with ye furour of thoes that rampe & deuoure vppon the erthe. Owtward the swerd shal destroye them / and inward fere and drede shal waste them Off this multitude of paynes speketh Seint Gregorye in the viij chapitre of Seint Mathewe / saiyng. They shal be cast out into thuttermeste tenebres / yt is to say helle where shalbe an vnsuffrable colde / an vnquencheable hete an inmortale worm̄ / an intollerable stinche / a derkenesse ma¦mable / & an orrible vision of deuels thresshing & beting / a confusion of sinners / a sepacion of all ioyes. And therfor said a wise man / that hell is a mortifiyng pit ful & accom¦plsshed with alle paines & miseries. The psalter seith. It shal reine brimston vpon sinners & the spirites of tempestis whiche be part of ye sorowes & tormentis of hell. And that saiyng is to be noted by cause yt there be many other partes of tormentes impossible to be expressed / al yt euer we haue spo¦ken of ye peines of hell is a ful litle thing in regarde of the grete infenite multitude of them. but to thentent that the multiplicacion of these peines may be y more expressely de¦clared. It is also to be noted how dāpned sowles shal be ful of all miseres & sorowes / for they shal u haue weping eyen grinding of their teeth / stinche in their noses wailling in their voices fere in their eres / beenning of fier in all their Page  [unnumbered] membres / & therin shal be boūden hande & foot. Lo how the wretched sinner descending into helle shal be fulfild with alle tormentes. It is writen in Iob the xv chapitre of the dampned man how tribulacion shal holde him / and an¦guish̄ shal enuyron̄e him. And in y xiij chapitre of Isay How all mennys hertes shal be abasshed & ferd for the soro¦wes and torcions that shal holde him hauing the payne ye women suffre traueling of chylde. eche on shal sorowe vpon̄ his neighburgh / and their broyled faces shal affraye eue∣riche other. Therfore Baruch saide in his vj chapitre Their faces be blakked with smoke / for the faces of all sinners shal be brought to the likenesse of a rownde pot / as it is writon in Iohel the ij chapitre. Also it is saide in Ecclesiastico the xlviij chapitre. The peines of a woman traueling shal come vnto them. The same also is writen in Ozee the xiij chapitre. So as it appereth ther be many scorges and fleyles in hell for to bete sinners ther with Certeynely the dampned sowle shal mowe saye with the Psalter. The sorowes of deth haue compassed me / and the paynes of hell haue foūden me. It saith. It hath compas∣sed me for this cause. For it is to him a vestiment or couring of malediction / whiche shal be bothe within hym and without hym. O what vestiment shal this be that shal be wouen with so paynfull thredes / and thoes without nombre / whiche can neuer be vndoon nor taken away / For with an inmortale string it shal be insepara∣bily boūden vnto the synner. This shal be a sore and a biting vestiment to be suffred. This is the vestiment that is writen of in Isaye in the thertenth Chapitre Page  [unnumbered] sayng. Thy vestiment shal be wormes. The consideracion of these manifolde paynes reuoked & callid Dauid from synne & caused hym to do penaūce. And therfore he saide to our lord How many sore tribulacions hast yu shewed me / & thou conuerted hast reuiued me. The consideracions also of these forsaide paines moeued somtime an heremite forto take vppon hym a right sharpe peinfull lif / whiche he ledde in his heremitage / as is redde in Uitis patrum. It was axed of him / why he wolde so slee him self. And he an∣swered. All the labour of my lif is not sufficient to be compared to oon of the dayes of tormentes that be ordeig∣ned and reserued for sinners in time to come. Beda she∣weth vs in his writing of Englande / how that in the ty∣me of yong Constantine ther dyed a knyght about the yeres of our lorde eght hondeet & vj. whiche knyght reui∣ued / and after for the paynes that he hadde seen / he fledde into an heremitage / as it is redde in Uitis patrum. and he made hym a litle hous by a Riuier side. In the whiche Riuier he wolde renne often times al clothed in the wynter time / and wolde suffre his clothes to frese vnto his flesh and thenne after he wolde epe into a bayn as hoot as hit was possible to hym to suffre. And this lyf he ledde vnto his dethe. And whenne folkes sawe hym do so / they blamed hym therfore / and he sayde to them. If ye hadde seen that I haue seen: ye wolde do as I do / and rather more. Seint Gregory sayth. The visyon of the paynes of helle is the moost excellent moeuyng that can be to penaunce and contricion. The thirde condicion en∣crescing the paynes of helle / is the euerlestyngnesse therof Page  [unnumbered] It is writen in the book of sapience ye iiij chapitre. Our lorde shal mokke them / That is to vndrestande / sinners after they shal fal from their worship emong them that be sempiternally dede. Seint Mathew saith the xxv chapi∣tre. They be thoes / that shal goo into tormentes. In Iudith the xvj chapitre is redde. That our lorde shal sende wormes of fier ayens their fleish / that they may brenne and yet lyue and fele the paynes for euer. To that pur∣pose speketh Isaye in his last chapitre thus. Their wor∣mes shal not dye / nother their fier quenche. And therfor saith our lord in Deutronomy in the xxxij chapitre. The fier is kindeled with my furour and shal been̄e into the lo∣west part of helle / and that shal be perpetuelly and ende∣lesly. Isaye in his xxxiij chapitre saith. O whiche of vs shal mowe suffre and endure the deuoring fier / who shal mowe be emong those / that shal be brene sempiter∣nally. In the xxxiij chapitre of the same Isaye is saide The gronde / where they shal dwelle shal be conuerted into brēnyng piche nyght and day / and shal not quenche / and the smoke shal be from generacion to genacion vpon them during the world of worldes. It is writen in thapocalips in the xx chapitre. The deuill shal be sent into the lake of fier and of sulpher and brymston / where the euyll brest and the false prophete shal be tourmented nyght and day in the world of worldes. And he / that shal not be fonden in the book of lif / shal be sent into ye lake of fier there forto dwell in the shadowe of deth / where is noon ordre / but sempiter∣nale horrour and sorowe. It is writen in Iob the x chapi¦tre. and also seint Gregory saith in his moralis a right Page  [unnumbered] horrible worde. That is to wite. Then̄e shal the miserable synners suffre a greet payne with a greet feer / a greet fla∣me with a derkenesse / and deeth without deeth / an ende without finisshyng / for that deeth shal euer liue / and that ende shal begynne alwaye ageyn & that faulte shal neuer faile. And a Poete sheweth how that miserable deeth can not dye nor finisshe. but semeth alway that it begynneth and reneweth wepnigis and languisshingis. Petre de bloys saide in a pistle. There shal be non ordre of ony ma¦ner of tormentes nother sparing, but endelesly the paynes shal renue & begynne ageyn / dethe can not dye there / for it shal be alway permanent and neuer cessing to thenten that the condempned sowles may miserably alway encrece in their paynes & sorowes and be norisshed in eternal deeth The Psawter seyth. They be casten into helle as shepe & dethe fedeth them. Mowe then̄e these synners haue their feding of dethe: what shal be their drink: Herkene what is writen in deutronomij in the xxxij chapitre. The bur∣ging of the grape and ye vine that they shal haue, shal be aisil and galle of dragons / and the venym of the Adder called aspe / whiche is incurable. O wherwith shal the synners be norisshed, seest thou not how they be perpetually tormented with the moost cruell dethe / they shal liue then̄ in dying / and shal be dede liuyng. Seint Bernard saith in a book that he sent vnto pope Eugeny. The by∣ting worme / and the liuyng dethe I grouge and feere greatly. I drede to falle into the handes of the dethe / that euer lyuth / and of the lif that neuer dyeth. Seynt Girgorye seith. That the felon synners shal dye of Page  [unnumbered] inmortale deth. O good lorde eternal why hast thou suffred me do contrarie thy will and werke myn owne sorowe, why helpest thou not me out of synne. wherby I myghte escape this perpetuel dethe. O how happy / o how blissed shal he be yt shal not be fowlid nor smouged with ye filthes of synne / & that hath not reioysshed him in the sensuale voluptacions of this transitorie worlde / nor in temporale vanitees. Certayn̄ I am feerd that we miserable synners haue erred from the waye of lif / and that the light of Iustice hath not shined vpon vs. We haue not folowed the wayes of our lorde. but haue taken the vnhappy wayes of iniquite and perdicion It is writen in Isaye in the xlix chapitre. We haue la∣bured in vayn̄ & for nought we haue wasted al our strength What hath our pride auailed vs / what hath proufited our pompe / and the vanite of the richesses of this worlde / what be we amended by our Iewelles, or precieux garnementes by our delicious meetes and drinkes, our glotomies / our lawhingis and ydle disportes. Now what auantageth vs all thinges, wherin we haue vaynely / vnproufitably / and dampnably spent our tyme. Alas alas / we haue lost and passed our dayes without fruit, and may be likend to were then a donghil / and all thoes thinges be past. but our wretchednesse shal remaine to our eternal tormentes. Our lorde shal saye to euery dampned sowle / as is writen in Iob in the xx chapitre. He shal suffre tormentes & peines after the multitude of his wikked operacions. and in the xviij chapitre of thappocalips is writen. As moche as he hath glorified hym self in delites and plaisers: as moche torment and peine shul be yeuen hym therfore to remayne Page  [unnumbered] therin eternally. Now is it not a greet folye for the riche or vayn̄ pleasir of this world or ony other miserable thing a man to submitte him to perpetual tormētes bothe of his body & of his sowle. Ioh̄n crisostom saith in his book ti¦tled of the reparacion̄ of defaultes / what continuance of le¦cherie & space of delectacions wilt thou compare to ye sempi¦ternal paines. Now take that yu liue C yeer in delectacions sette therto an other C & yet C / & after ye ten hondert if thou wilt. yet what comparison is this to theternite. May not all the tyme of our bodily lif / though we entended neu so voluptuously be resembled vnto a dreem of the night in regarde of the sempiternale lif. Is ther ony persone that aughte wil to haue oon playsant and delectable night in dremes / and therfore to finde the sempiternale paines / and so change for a playsant dreme so litle enduring / to haue the paines of hell / which be perpetuel. What shal we speke of this playsir, or of these paynes. The playsirs passe lightly away / and the paynes must remaygne euerlesting¦ly. Now take it / that the tyme and the space of the play¦sirs and of the paynes were egale. Is ther ony that aught to be so mad or so folysshe / as to chese for to haue for oon daye of playsir here a day of dampnacion in hell Remembre how that oon houre of bodyly sekenesse in this world putteth a waye alle playsir for the sayson. right so remembraunce how the perpetuell paynes ought to resist ayens alle synnes. O how greet tourment and payne shal be to the dampned sowles / their euerlestyng dampnacion and perpetuell dethe is so harde and so sore / that I wore not how / that I coude expresse hit greuousely I now Page  [unnumbered] for certeinly it can not be sufficiently spoken / conceiued in mynde nor comprehended in herte. Now take we / that ther were a pece of metall as greet as mighte be comprehended withinne the concauite of the viij spere. and euery M yeer ther shulde be taken from hit a litle pece like agreyn̄. and so consequently til it were all brought to no thing: shuld not the eternite be finisshed by that time. and the dampned sowles deliuered out of their paynes. I answere and saye you nay / for the perpetuite shal be then̄e but at the begyn∣nyng / there can be no proporcion in a thyng infenite. as Aristotile the philosophre saith in his viij book of his phisikes. Certeynly if dampned sowles mighten knowe and vndrestande that they shulde be deliuered out of thin tllerable paynes of hell assone / as the saide pece of metalle were so wasted and goon, as is aboue saide / yet they might haue hope of their redempcion ayens that saison / and haue som maner of confort / knowyng that their tormentes shulde somtime taken ende. yet the yeers wolde be incompre∣hensible and innumerable. Now surely oon of the grettest paynes is the desolacion and defaulte of hope euer to be rede¦med and deliuered out of theternall tormentes. For as it is writen in Isay the xxxiiij chapitre. The sinner shal be in desolacion tyme and worlde withouteen ende. It is writen in the boook of Trenis the thirde chapitre. Myn̄ ende and myn̄ hope in god is perisshed. Iheremy in his xv chapitre asketh. Why is my sorowe made imperpetuel and my woundes in desperacion. Wherunto is answereed in the x chapitre of the Prouerbis. That when̄e the felon sinner is oones dede / there is thenne noon hope to be hadde. Page  [unnumbered] Entende & remembre this all ye that be forgeters of oure lord / lest that this moost cruell and sorowfull place of helle swalowe you / from whens ye may neuer be puld out. Lo now ye may see clerely / how the wretched syn∣ner can not be redemed out of helle. Wherfore my right dere frendes I amoneste and require you / bere that Re∣membraunce wel in your myndes / and conceyue wel they ample of the pece of metall aboue specified. And now tell me what thou felist / and what thyn̄ owne herte demeth and iugeth in this matier. I wene certeinly thy discrecion wo be¦gyue therunto credence. for trewe it is / & to trouth by Rea∣son then must nedis applie. Also bethink the of the diuerse prouinces of londs & ymagine euery Region of them Con¦sidere the sees the Riueres / and the poondes. Enclose in thy mynde the circuite of the wild / and goo euery where therof / Flie vp into the ayer / and thenne descende into the lowest parte of therthe. and of all this thinke in thy mynde. thou hast made an hool substance and ymagine and extende how greet a thing this shulde be / and yf hit myghte not be consumed by 〈◊〉 of tyme. and thenne telle me what thou thinkist of thinfenite paynes of sinners Whether shulde be longe enduring the consumyng of the same substance / or the relessing of the perdurable paynes I trowe thou wilt agre / that ther can no thyng be com¦pared to a perpetuite. wherfore we ought all in our cora∣gis timerousely to tremble and fere it. Now who is he that dredeth hit not. who to he / that alussheth not therof. Who is he / that hadde not leuer abyde the consu∣myng of the forsayde substance / than the tyme of eternite Page  [unnumbered] Late this saide substance and this tyme of eternite be cow¦ched vppon thyn̄ herte / and thou shalt fynde it aproufitable thing & greetly to thyn̄ auantage. For if thou wilt not correcte and reuoke thy self from thy sinnes by the loue that thou owest to bere vnto god. Yet the mirour and Re¦membraunce of thintollerable and infenite paynes shulde reuoque / sequestre & withdrawe the from sinnes. O lorde god that this perdurable peyne is to be eschewed and drad And wepyngly we ought to remembre oure sinnes by grete contricion / that we myght therby come to the euerles∣ting saluacion. Lo here afore hath be shewed thencrecing of thinfernal paynes / and how they may neuer cesse nor fi¦nisshe. whiche was well considered by oon somtime callid Fulson of Mercelles. Whiche was in his dayes an ex∣cellent Iougulier al abandouned and yuien to the vanitees of the worlde. In a daye he be thought hym of the peines of helle and of theternite therof / and remembred in his herte. If he were compelled to lye in a faire and a softe bed wel hanged and plaisantly dressed and for no necessite might departe out of it / Yet al were it neuer so delicious / it coude not lye in his power continually to endure hit And theruppon remembred hym how he shulde then̄ mowe susteigne thintollerable perpetuell peines of helle / whiche ar languereuse and from thens none may departe. This forsaide Fulson considering that / left all his vaine worldly delites and made him self a monque. and sithen was archibsshop of Tholouse / where he liued and gui∣ded hym right holily in the seruice of our lord. The conside¦racion of the perpetuell peines of helle shulde enduce and Page  [unnumbered] comforte euery gode sowle to fighte & resiste mightily ayens his goostly enemy / for if the fende venquisshe and ouerco∣me hym / he may be sure to lye therfore without greet Re∣pentance and grace in the sempiternale paynes of helle And therfore for Ihesus sake with alle your myght fight and resiste viguorously ayens the cruell enemy of alle mankinde / whiche dooth nought but lyeth in a wayte forto brynge vs alle to dampnacion. Egelippus saith in his book of the destruction of Iewys. How that oon̄ of the greet capitaynes of Kyng Alexandre beyng chief of an hoost / sawe on a tyme an innumerable armee coming ••ens hym to sight with hym. And whenne his peple sawe them come / they disposed them to ete and drinke forto make them of the more bodily myght and put therin their trust. This goode cpitayne 〈◊〉 that they yaff more hope to their bodily strengthes / than to the power of hym / whom alle other myghtes can not 〈◊〉 / sayde in this wyse. O ye noble and worthy men haue vs dyne now to gydre / for we be like to souppe this nyght in Helle alle in a companye. This peple hering these wordes to eschewe that heuy soupper / put their affiaunce in our lorde and set on / and fought so viguorousely / that they with Triumphe and Honour ouercome their Enemys. Con∣sidering that Remembraunce of the paynes of Helle shulde withdrawe vs from wordly Delytes. Hit is redde in Uitis Patrum. How there was an auncient man / that sayde. Whenne a woman wole weene her Chyld and make hit to lothe the swetenesse of hire Milke / she wole put vppon her pappys heed a litle mustard Page  [unnumbered] or som̄ other bitter thing. When̄e the childe feleth that / it withdraweth and putteth away his appetit from the swete milk. So semblably the soure Remembraunce of the per¦petuelle tormentes and paynes of helle ought to reuoque a man from alle the vayne delectacions of this wretched worlde. Iob saith in his vj chapitre. May not a man taste of a thing / whiche shulde cause hym the right bitter dethe. That is to saye / the peynes perpetuell. Prosper saith. In this present lif the temporall delites be full plai¦sant / and the tribulacions ful bitter. But who is he that shulde not gladly suffre tribulacions in this lif for fear of the sempiternal paynes of helle. And who is he that ought not to dispise the deliciouse plaisiers of this world for to haue the moost happy Ioye of euerlesting blys. It is saide also in the Legende of seint Iohn Euangelist That riche and myghty folkes were conuerted by his perdicacion̄ / and relinquisshed alle their worldly richessee Yet they sawe after som̄e / that were their seruauntes reised in the flatring glorie and fortune of this worlde. Wher∣fore they repented them / that they hadde lost alle their goodes so. Whiche thing Seint Iohn vndrestood by the holy goost / and prayed vnto our lorde for their salua¦cion. and then̄e our lorde changed certaine reces of tym¦ber vnto fyn golde / and harde flinte stoones vnto preci∣ouse Ieweles. and so they were restoreed vnto gretter tresour and richesse / than euer they hadde lost for our lordes sake. Thenne it happened / that Seint Iohn reuiued from deeth a yongly man / which shewed vnto thoes folkes theternal glorie / that they hadde lost for the richesse of this Page  [unnumbered] world / and how the paynes of hell dide but abyde them / When̄e the folkes herde and vndrestood that / they were so abasshed and in so greet fere / that forth with all they mis¦praysed / despised and refused all worldly richesse and delites / and wilfully retourned vnto their pouerte for their saluacion. It is red in Uitis patrum. How ther was somtyme a yong frere that saide vnto a fader of his ordre. I am sloutheful and wery to sitte alway thus still in my celle. To whom this good fader answred. thou hast not seen nor vndrestande the tormentes that be to come in hell / whiche shal be perpetuelly enduring / & therfor if thou ••inte that wel in thyn̄ hert / though thy celle were full of wormes / thou sholdest not grouge / but woldest abide in hit paciently forto eschew these perdurable paynes. For euery synner muste endure theternale tormentes of helle or the right sharpe paynes of purgatorie / or elles he must do and suffre suffisant penaunce in this world. Then̄e what vnhappy creature is he that is so blinde and so haltred with vngrace and lak of Reason / that had not leuer suf¦fre here suffisante penaunce than in helle to be tourmented and punisshed withouten ende. Isidore saith. Thinke in thyn̄ herte alle the sekensses and paines of this world alle the bitternesses and sorowes what so euer they be. com¦paryng them distinctely with the gehenne of hell / and thou shalt mowe wel knowe that alle paynes here be in Re¦garde as no thing vnto those. Seint Bernard sayth in a Pistle. Thou dredest to wake on nyghtes / to faste and to labour with thyn̄ handes. But remembryng the perpetuell flam̄es all that ought to be but light vnto the / Page  [unnumbered] Certayne all solitarie lif is to be conforted by that Remem¦braunce. And if thou knewest thextreme discussing of alle Idle wordes / silence shulde displease the no thing Seint Austyne in a sermon̄ sayth. How delectable thoughtes cause ofte humayne nature to be conquered and ouercomen with the delites and the veluptuouse concupis¦cence of this worlde / whiche eschewe alle labours / and axe nought but playsirs / and folowe alwayes delectaci∣ons. But whenne that thoughtes falle to Remembraūce of the necessite and daungerous last Iugement with theternale Paynes. What other for fere of those tormen¦tes / or somtyme for hope of the moost riche Rewarde hit meueth a man from alle the passions of his playsirs and voluntayrely to rise vppe in Batayll ayens them en¦tendyng to haue victorie vppon his first delectable vaine playsante thoughtes. Abacuk sayth desirousely in his iij chapitre. Rotynnesse will entre into my boones / and springue vndre me in my lyf by cause I shulde reste in the day of tribulacion̄. Beholde here my right dere frendes how fructuouse and how hoolsom is the Remem∣braunce of thinfernal paynes. The Psalter sayth. Synners they be transported into Helle. Wherfore by goode meditacions euery man in his lyf entende to the resistence of that daungier. Or ellis they must liuyng dye perpetually. It is redde How he is eureusely happy / that beholdeth the dyepe tenebres. That is to say. To re¦gystre in his herte the infernale tormentes / and that with a continuale remembraunce in contemplacion to frequente that sure memory. Now me thinketh I haue suffisantly Page  [unnumbered] shewed you the manifolde maniers of the diuerse paynes of helle. and how vaillable and to what proufite groweth the memoriale Remembraunce therof. O mortal man wt haerrour / what folie / and what faulte is in the / when̄e it lyeth in thy fre arbitrement to haue Ioyes euerlesting and willyngly castist thy self into the infernale tormen¦tes and peynes / from whens noon may retorne / but brenne there in fire worlde without ende

And thus endeth the thirde parte of this tretys deuided in four parties